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Book ID: 2247
Title Recueil des fêtes et spectacles donnés . . . à Versailles, à Choisy et à Fontainebleau pendant l'année 1783 . . .
Year of event 1783
Event description Festivities held at Versailles, Fontainebleau and Choisy in the reign of Louis XVI, King of France (1754-1793), and Maria Antonia, (1755-1793) (Marie-Antoinette), Queen
Event type Compendia and general works: France; Court Entertainments
Event place Choisy; Fontainebleau; Versailles
Publication info n.p.: P. R. C. Ballard; 1783; 8°
Festival type
Rulers Louis XVI, King of France (duc de Berry); Maria Antonia, Imperial Princess, Queen of France (Marie-Antoinette)
Shelfmark BNF 8- RA3- 304; BNF FB- 7673; BNF GD- 85; BNF R 200815; BNF RES- YF- 4484; BNF RESERVE 8- BL- 13707 (4)
Notes See also Book IDs 2155, 2158, 2168, 2187, 2192, 2194, 2218 and 2251.