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Book ID: 1132
Title Relación de la danza a cavallo con que celebrò la ilustrissima Ciudad de Parma la llegada de sv alteza real el serenissimo señor Don Carlos, infante de España, Duque de Parma . . . Executada en el Grande, y Real Teatro de Corte por diez y seis Cavelleros, Convictores de el Real Colegio de Nobles
Year of event 1731
Event description Horse ballet for the entry into Parma of Carlo, Duke of Parma and Piacenza (1716-1788)
Event type Entries
Event place Parma
Publication info Seville: Pedro Joseph Diaz; 1732; 4°
Pages 59pp
Illustrations 1 engraving
Festival type Equestrian festivals; Horse ballets
Rulers Carlo di Borbone, Duke of Parma and Piacenza, Carlo VII, King of Naples and Sicily, Carlos III, King of Spain
Shelfmark BL 9930.d.27.
Notes Carlo di Borbone (1716-1788) was Duke of Parma and Piacenza from 1731 to 1735, as Carlo VII King of Naples and Sicily from 1735 to 1759 and as Carlos III King of Spain from 1759 to 1788. This publication is a Spanish translation of the publication at Book ID 1131.