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Book ID: 1036
Title Componimento dramatico per le felicissime nozze de Luigi Delfino di Francia con la principessa Maria Giuseppa di Sassonia . . .
Authors Scarselli, Flaminio
Year of event 1747
Event description Musical entertainment performed in Rome for the wedding of Louis, Dauphin (1729-1765), and Maria Josepha, Princess of Saxony (1731-1767)
Event type Weddings and betrothals
Event place Rome
Publication info Rome: Antonio de' Rossi; 1747; 4°
Pages 30pp
Illustrations 4 head and tail pieces by Claude Olivier after Giovanni Paolo Pannini
Festival type Musical performances and concerts
Rulers Louis, Dauphin (1729-1765); Maria Josepha, Princess of Saxony, Dauphine
Artists Gallimard, Claude Olivier; Pannini, Giovanni Paolo; Jommelli, Niccolò
Shelfmark BL 1572/1013(13); BNF 8- RA4- 522; BNF MICROFILM M- 7238; BNF RES- YD- 795